
Showing posts from January, 2009

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish and Live Your Own life

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commenceme nt Address Recommended by one of our readers.  When you look back in the future, you would connect all dots and appreciate the struggles and initiatives you have today. Here is the link to Steve Job's story:

Parallel Communication

Most of our communication in the business world is done on a one-to-one basis or through announcements in a conference setting.   Consider using another effective way to communicate and get connected with your people, customers and business partners’ - parallel communication. Parallel communication means that you are talking to people while you are doing something else together. For example if you have difficulty talking with your teenage children, you might want to join them in cleaning their messy rooms. While working together, take this opportunity to chat with them.   Ask about their friends, what they are doing in school; ask their opinions about the things happening around them.   Usually they will open up the communication channel between you. Hiking, playing games, dining, watching games and movies together are all good opportunities for parallel communication where you can strengthen the bond between you and your children and friends. Team building activities at work are for