
Showing posts from December, 2011
Christmas Memories My Mom was the Queen of Christmas. To this day, I remember the beautiful decorations, wonderful foods, joyous music and, of course, the gifts. Although money was never plentiful in our home, she found ways to make memories that linger in her daughters’ minds forever. All four of us have tried to pick up from where she left off. We made red and green chains out of construction paper and homemade paste. She hung these in the doorways to decorate the house. She hung the wonderful Christmas cards received from loved ones around the doorways. We all joined in the decorating of the tree. Favorite ornaments would be hung in a prominent place. Mom liked each piece of tinsel hung separately not flung at the tree. This is the season of love and family. Mom would bake cookies while we were at school. When we came home, the whole family would frost and decorate them. We felt so proud when she served our “works of art” to friends and relatives or when we took a tray of o