What would you do if you were laid off?

I have talked to many friends who have lost their jobs in the recent economic downswing. Losing your job is sad in this shaky job market and I am amazed to discover what my friends are doing during their downtime. Here is a list of how some of them are putting their time to good use:

1) Start a dream business, or provide advice to others on how to start a business
2) Volunteer in their children’s activities, become a coach
3) Volunteer in non-profit organizations, help others
4) Network with a positive attitude
5) Write books and articles
6) Explore long term goals and passions, put a plan together and start to execute the plan
7) Exercise intensively
8) Offer free services to companies that eventually turned into their clients
9) Send resumes selectively and follow up diligently.

By filling your life with some of the above activities, there is little time to be depressed. Accept the layoff and use your free time positively.

A friend recently shared his layoff experience with me. He lost his job a few months ago. He kept a positive attitude while building the following routine for his unexpected free time. He spent each morning at the library or in bookstores reading anything that interested him. He spent the afternoon working with his children on their homework and cooking dinner for his wife. He sent resumes to his friends and recruiters for interesting job openings that had great growth potential. He found a job he likes in three months. He told me he really enjoyed the jobless three months, when he enriched his knowledge and learned how to enjoy his family more. During his job interview, his positive attitude and updated knowledge stood out and won him a job he liked.

When my neighbor lost his job, he spent three months of his time in gyms. He lost 50 pounds and became fit and energetic. With his better health and high energy level, he found a good job. I see him jogging everyday as I am out for my morning run.

When you are laid off, despite of all the negative aspects of the layoff, you are given the most valuable gift – time. It is your decision on how to spend your fortune and what kind of outcome you obtain at the end of this short and temporary period.


Fei Xu said…
That's indeed a very positive way of looking at the lay off! I guess I am not that afraid of getting laid off now :)

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