Being Challenged or Managed

My friend lost his job recently and has been actively interviewing for a new one.

Last month he came out of an interview, calling his best friends, telling us how excited he was. He felt challenged by the hiring manager, by his energy, vision and ambitions. We all hoped he would get his dream job. But he didn’t. One of the stakeholders did not approve hiring him. We felt very sorry for him.

He went to another interview a few days ago, another good opportunity; we were all excited for him and kept our fingers crossed. He called me after his interview; his voice was low, filled with sadness. He said he felt he would be “managed not challenged” by the hiring manager during the interview.

How sad! being managed and not challenged! A creative mind that is challenged generates excellent ideas. A great leader sets the bar high, exudes high energy and challenges and inspires his employees.

A good manager could use a matter of fact attitude, gather all facts about all the candidates, compare their strengths and weaknesses and then make their decision. Yes, he could get the most qualified employee, but might not get a super-charged employee, an innovative mind and productive and creative solution generator.

Elizabeth Xu


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