That's not enough

My friend Suzy’s New Year party has been the one that everyone looks forward to each year, not only for the great food, but also for gathering with friends hard to meet. The party turns to magic and we laugh for hours. Suzy is a great business person, mom, wife and friend. We chat about life and our careers at her party. Suzy finds much wisdom among her friends and shares it with all of us. She recently visited a successful business woman in her late 70s. The lady shared the secret of her success.

“A person who thinks he is very capable, that’s not enough,
People around them must think he is capable. Well, that’s not enough,
His manager has to think he is capable, however, that is not enough either,
His manager must be capable;
Even his manager is capable, it is not enough, he must have great health. Without health and energy, it is not enough to be successful”

The take away from Suzy’s party is: Exercise for great health, work hard, demonstrate your skills and strength, follow a great leader and you will be successful.

Elizabeth Xu


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