Skills and Habbits

Good habits are like a well-maintained engine. They will keep you going subconsciously without any additional effort.  Turn best practices into habits. This will simplify your life and make you a more predictable and easy to follow the leader.  Good parents help their children cultivate good habits at a young age, good habits such as exercising regularly, eating a good diet, keeping promises and treating other people nicely and with integrity. 
Once a practice becomes your habit, it is part of your muscle memory, you automatically do it without thinking. It is hard to forget and ignore, just like it is hard to unlearn how to ride a bike.

Skills are your tools. Our ever-changing world calls for new tools and you have to prepare for it.  Investing money and time to learn these new skills and keeping you up-to-date with changing trends are as important as eating food every day.  Skills at different levels are different.  Learning next level skills in advance will help you understand more about your business and prepare you for next level career advancement opportunities

Elizabeth Xu, June 25, 2017


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