2009 a Golden or Doomed Year?

Many would say, what kind of stupid question! 2009 has been the designated dooming year without any possible hope. Is it true?

2009 is a pure 24k golden year if your eyes are focused on opportunities. It is full of opportunities over-shadowed by bad news. Their are opportunities in under-valued equities, IP's and new business needs in your own company as well as in your clients' companies.

The coming three to nine months are a golden time to re-position yourself, from equity positions to skill sets, and to network with your clients. Feel their pain. Use your new services and repackaged products to help them ease the pain, to position their business in a more profitable arena.

If you use most of your time just to stress out and complain, the sky will fall on you and you will be doomed in 2009.

If you use most of your time to strategize, plan and execute your new plan, you will come out as a winner at the end of 2009 and claim the glittering prize of a golden year 2009.


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