Holidays - the golden networking time

Networking can happen anywhere, sporting events, holiday programs, children's parties and dances. December is always a golden time for networking. Send cards to your family and friends updating them on your life. Attend fund raising events and holiday parties both public and private. Talk to people, show your genuine interest in their lives, ask about their holiday plans, their accomplishments, their children's accomplishments. You will be surprised what they share with you, perhaps unveiling opportunities that might be mutually beneficial.

Holiday time is also a perfect time to say thank you to all the people who helped you, but never received your appreciation in writing. Write a note or card and make your appreciation known! After the party, link to your new friends, send them follow-up emails and invitations to your private network. Schedule follow-up events such as lunches. Remember our 52 lunch networking tips? (Have lunch each week with a person you either never have lunched with or haven't had lunch with in the last 3-6 months.)

This really is a wonderful time of the year. Make it more wonderful by networking with friends.

Happy Holidays from Elizabeth and Pat


Elizabeth Xu said…
I haven't visited your blog for some time until today when I again read some excellent postings! Especially this one. I did send out some notes to the people who helped me before the Xmas break but did not realize that it was such a good networking opportunity!I will do more in the future, perhaps in this coming Chinese New Year!
By Coffee

Elizabeth accidentally rejected this comment. Thanks Coffee for posting this comments.

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